HDSA 2015. About bugs, bots & bytes

HDSA 2015. About bugs, bots & bytes
Name HDSA 2015. About bugs, bots & bytes
Location De Punt, Frans de Wollantstraat 84, 1018 SC Amsterdam
Date 2015/07/29-2015/08/07
Time 10:00-18:00
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers
Type HDSA2015
Web Yes
Print Yes

About bugs, bots & bytes

In 2015 Hackers & Designers launched their first summer academy. Stirred by the title of 'About Bugs, Bots and Bytes' H&D curated a hands-on program including, workshops, excursion, a public film screening and lectures. The biggest part of the program took place in De PUNT , an art & project space in the center of Amsterdam. Fostering an understanding of contemporary digital culture and maximising participation ambiguities and misconceptions about topics like privacy, surveillance, open source, user-controlled platforms, role of algorithms, digital-self and identity were researched in a playful and hands-on manner.

The immersive program of the Summer Academy allowed participants to build relationships and investigate new technology and design media, and equipped them with technological tools, collaboration opportunities, cross-disciplinary vocabulary, and an understanding of tech and design tools in a social context.

The cover charge of €350,00 per participant covered the 10 day program, a welcome dinner, daily lunches and an arduino kit.



Public film screening

H&D Summer Talks
At the end of the Summer Academy Hackers & Designers invited cross-disciplinary speakers to take the participants and the public into a deeper conversation around topics, which have arose in our modern techno society and breached over the course of the Summer Academy. The speakers offered insights and diverse perspectives into their research, professional and artistic practices, all the while maintaining the satirical and humorous approach of Hackers & Designers.
More about the H&D Summer Talks

School's out for Summer! Hackers & Designers hosted a summer night of talks, drinks, 'n tunes.

H&D Summer Party, music by:




The Hackers & Designers Summer Academy 2015 has been generously funded by:

Stimulieringsfonds logo

and kindly supported by:

WAAG Society logo Lava Lab logo