Experimental Publishing Walk-in Workshop @ NDSM OPEN

Experimental Publishing Walk-in Workshop @ NDSM OPEN
Name Experimental Publishing Walk-in Workshop @ NDSM OPEN
Location NDSM Loods
Date 2024/10/05
Time 12:00-18:00
Type Workshop
Web No
Print No

During NDSM Open H&D will open our studio (127) for a ChattyPub walk-in workshop. Visitors of NDSM Open are invited to co-create a publication using the experimental open source publishing tool ChattyPub that leverages the chat platform Zulip for creating publications. We will be collectively composing a story inspired by eco feminist thought and practice focussing on interspecies relationships and communication networks inherent in forest ecosystems. The publication will grow throughout the day as its own ecosystem. You can join us anytime throughout the day and stay as long as they like. You will get to print you personal copy of the publication on the spot to take home.

Additionally H&D will install a small book store in the studio in which publications made with free/libre open source tools will be for sale.
