Pirat(e)s Radio 1.0

Pirat(e)s Radio 1.0
Name Pirat(e)s Radio 1.0
Location Het Wilde Weg
Date 2024/07/16-2024/07/24
Time [[]]
PeopleOrganisations Selby Gildemacher, Sylvie van Wijk, Juliette Lizotte, vo e.zn
Type HDSC2024
Web Yes
Print No

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How to set up a pirate radio?

Radio has proven to be a vital tool in times of calamity and collective organizing. Recognizing this importance, we want to delve into the process of installing and creating our own community radio station that can be heard throughout the corners of our temporary autonomous zone through tuning into its radio waves with self-made receivers and beyond, through the url to our self-hosted radio server.

This radio workshop which will give rise to our very own radio station, mixing AM and FM, will be divided into a more conceptual and hardware part. We will walk you through the workings of radio and its most basic set-up without relying on large scale data centers and at the same time create the space to develop a radio program for the camp and make jingles, while building low-tech transmitters and receivers and understanding the basics of broadcasting.

The workshop functions as a collective installing of our radio infrastructure that will remain active throughout the camp as a means for us to communicate and document our experience.