Odd Talks

Odd Talks
Name Odd Talks
Location Coehoorn Centraal, Arnhem
Date 2017/04/23
Time 20:00-22:00
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers , Oddstream , KunstLAB
Type Meetup
Web Yes
Print No

Presentation of the Odd Stay residency outcome

During the month of April Hackers & Designers did a two week artist in residence Odd Stay via Nijmegen's Oddstream . The result of Odd Stay was presented during the Odd Talks lecture night. The lecture night, titled The New Enlightment Age engaged to audience to discuss the position of citizens in today's world of technology.

During their residency James Bryan Graves & Selby Gildemacher of Hackers & Designers have developed a prototype of a new work in collaboration with KunstLAB Arnhem. Following the metaphor of a crowdsource religion, the work invites its visitors to interact with a chatbot and to contribute to their input to the bigger installation. Here's the source code, try it yourself.


This is the "user generated religion" installation. Once the Raspberry Pis are booted there should be an open network called "Wailing Wall". Join this network to make modifications and manage the pis.


The installation requires internet. You can connect to a WiFi network as follows.

In the Terminal of your computer connect to the pi. Passwords are "arnhemarnhem".

$ ssh pi@

Once connected to the pi. In nano Ctl+o is save, Ctl+x quits.

$  sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Change the file, ssid is the network name, psk is the network password.


Reboot the pi.

$ sudo reboot

Shutdown the pis

$ ssh pi@ "sudo poweroff"

$ ssh pi@ "sudo poweroff"

The Chat Bot

The chatbot is based on the python version of Eliza and is in this repository in the directory ww/pi1/ww-conf . You can test the chat bot by running the following.

$ cd ww/pi1/ww-conf

$ python main.py

Edit the file bot.py to make changes to the chatbot. Once you are happy with it, copy it to the pi as follows.

$ scp bot.py pi@

Restart the pi1.

$ ssh pi@ "sudo reboot"

Visuals - editing HTML

All projections are simple HTML and CSS. You can edit the following files.

Pi 1


Pi 2



You can test by running the following. You must be in the correct directory or folder for which ever pi you want to test (they both have their own server.sh ).

$ sudo ./server.sh

You will need some data so run the following (only once).

$ mkdir /data

Create a file called "data" in that directory with text, can be any text.

In the browser: https://localhost/index.html for pi 1, or http://localhost/index.html for pi 2.

Copy changes to the pis.

$ scp ww/pi1/ww-conf/index.html pi@

$ scp ww/pi1/ww-conf/mz.css pi@

$ scp ww/pi2/ww-heav/index.html pi@

$ scp ww/pi2/ww-heav/ww.css pi@


The scripture is saved and generated in a text file located at /data/scripture . Download it, print it, design it...whatever.

$ scp pi@ .

Testing/Debugging USB

$ ssh pi@

You can see add and remove events by running the following.

$ tail -f /var/log/usb.log