The Hacked Orchestra @ NDSM Open
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The Hacked Orchestra @ NDSM Open/en | |
Name | The Hacked Orchestra @ NDSM Open |
Location | Hackers & Designers Studio |
Date | 2023/10/07 |
Time | 12:00 – 18:00 |
PeopleOrganisations | Ghenwa Noiré , Hackers & Designers |
Type | Meetup |
Web | No |
No |
Come to our studio during NDSM Open and make sound machines with Hackers & Designers! There are strange sounds hidden in almost everything around us, which one will you discover? With our best found and hacked sounds we parade through the NDSM hall as a band! BONUS: Our studio mates from the Hmmmm will run a cool workshop too and are presenting a game they’ve been working on. We hope to see you there!
Image description: A hand is turning on knob on a speaker in a seemingly self-made sonic electronic circuit.
This event is free of charge and all ages are welcome. Feel free to show up any time from 12.00 to 18.00.
The Hackers & Designers studio is on the first floor of the NDSM Kunststad and can be accessed by an elevator. The elevator can be found behind the red building with large spiders climbing on it if you are entering from the main gate. Although technically wheelchair-accessible, the floor is uneven and a little bit bumpy so levels of comfort may vary depending on the kind of wheelchair in use.
Image description: Two workshop facilitators aid two workshop participants seated at a table in using a drill on a brightly-colored plastic toy.
Image description: Pocket-sized, brightly-colored instruction manuals describing how to assemble an electronic circuit lay on a table.
Image description: A hand positions loose electronic components in a support structure that holds them in place in order to solder them. A soldering iron sits on the table warming up. The screen reads 332 degrees Celcius, indicating that the soldering iron is HOT.

Image description: Two workshop participants are crouched on the floor in a corner near a plant, holding a tin box connected via a wire on one end to contact microphones and on the other end to a black speaker on the floor. One of the participants is bringing one of the contact mics near the plants while the other holds another contact mic to the floor.

Image description: A workshop facilitator is crouched at a table, winged on both of her sides by two small workshop participants. On the table lay several electronic components and craft materials: speakers, wires, pins, solar panels, glue sticks plastic toys and most importantly an assembled electronic music instrument. This instrument is composed of multiple parts including a breadboard, some wires, some switches and potentiometers as well as a Teensy board. The smallest of the two workshop participants is manipulating a potentiometer on the breadboard.
All photographs were taken by H&D's Anja or Loes.
Loes & Heerko were responsible for developing and documenting the toolchain.
Loes made the pocked-sized circuit manual.
Loes, Ghenwa, Heerko, Anja and Karl hosted participants as they came and went.
This activity was generously funded by the Stimuleringsfond and Amsterdam Fond voor de Kunst.