Translations : The Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ/1/en

The Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ/1/en
Name The Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij
Location Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij
Date 2023/10/13
Time 10:00 – 18:30
PeopleOrganisations Hackers & Designers , Ghenwa Noiré , Sonic Acts , SoundLAB
Type Meetup
Web No
Print No

On Friday 13 October, workshop collective Hackers & Designers will temporarily reside at SoundLAB inside Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ for a workshop and jamming session with guests (to be announced soon!). This program around sonic dialogue and DIY instrument-making is co-curated together with Sonic Acts.

Anonymized hands are engaging with electronics on a table, including cables, some solar panels, and a speaker.
Anonymized hands are engaging with electronics on a table, including cables, some solar panels, and a speaker

Image description:Anonymized hands are engaging with electronics on a table, including cables, some solar panels, and a speaker.