Emoji Proxies & Ghost Messengers

Emoji Proxies & Ghost Messengers
Name Emoji Proxies & Ghost Messengers
Location Page Not Found
Date 2022/11/26
Time 12:00 - 16:30
PeopleOrganisations The Hmm , Hackers & Designers
Type Workshop
Web No
Print No

During this hybrid workshop we’re exploring the possibilities of live networking technologies in hybrid cultural events.

As an online visitor to cultural events, you can often do little more than ask a question in chat, and chat with other online visitors. How can online visitors feel seen, become more involved in or even have agency over what happens on-site? This is something we’re going to explore during this workshop.

An abstract illustration of 4 figures in the shape of an emoji-ghost hybrid
An abstract illustration of 4 figures in the shape of an emoji-ghost hybrid

An abstract illustration of 4 figures in the shape of an emoji ghost hybrid.

Together with The Hmm we’ve developed a tool that makes use of standalone wifi hotspots (ESP32 modules) and live networking protocols (MQTT) that allows online input to be translated into something physical, and vice versa. For example, every time an online visitor opens the livestream page, a spotlight shines in the physical space. There are many use cases possible, but how can it help an event really be influenced by the presence of an online audience? How can it stimulate interaction between online and on-site audiences?

This workshop doesn’t require knowledge of programming. It’s free to join, but a registration is required. Register here .

Workshop Set-up

This workshop is organised by Hackers & Designers and The Hmm, as part of the project Going Hybrid of Institute of Network Cultures.