Breaking even! Book fair @ Rijksacademie
Sounds from Earth @ NDSM
Sounds from Earth: an evening of open source sound experimentations @ occii
-Sounds from Earth @ Sandberg Design Department
Self-organized: alternative economies
Self-organized: infrastructural explorations
Experimental Publishing Walk-in Workshop @ NDSM OPEN
Sounds from Earth @ Bottle Factory
The Memory of the 25th Hour
Sounds from Earth (워크숍) @PaTi
The Book Society – Publishing Sideways – Talk and Workshop
Her-story of technology
Speculative Sports Day
Creative Coded Game
Site drawing from GPS tracking to architecture
-Websites Fabulations
Creatieve Code Workshop
Hyper Tensions Mindful Liberation
Li-bat quest
Web Jockey Protocol
Collaboratory Creative Coding Jam
Miniature Worldbuilding
The Declarative Beauty Salon
-Hello Tempeh!
On Becoming Bots & Bugs
-Puppetry & Storytelling
Criptastic Hack Meeting
-Culinary Piracy (or how to steal recipes)
Pen plotter pal
Shoulder surfing communal devices as sites of (un)learning?
Workshop and exhibition visit MU Hybrid Art House, Eindhoven
Fall off: hair recycling workshop
Mapping Typologies
-Pi-rats Mythologum
Sailing towards the ad-free horizons
Declarative Tie-Dye aka Render your T-Shirt
-Downtime spell$ && todo/om$/
-Pirat(e)s Radio 1.0
-Pirat(e)s Radio Broadcast
-Playing Data - Privacy Policies on the Harp
-Stories and Archives in Land Relational Knowing for Land-Centered Ontologies
Self-organized: Breaking the Organigram
Criptastic Hack Meeting: Riding / Snorkeling / Surfing and Burrowing into Time Undercurrents
PrePostPrint NL Meetup 2
Open Call! HDSC2024 - Unruly Currents & Everyday Piracy
It's a Book 2024
Archeological excavation: Solar-Common Computing
Counter Cloud Action Day
PrePostPrint Meetup
Dubbelrol en meervoudsspel: Ontwerpen en uitgeven
-(Un)monumenting: The Future Should Always Be Better
Doing the Dishes and then Revolution
SoundLAB Special x Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ
Screentime Airtime Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in Cultural Institutions
-Zinecamp 2023
Unionizing the Speculative
The Hacked Orchestra @ Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
The Hacked Orchestra @ NDSM Open
The Living Archives Talkshop
-The Age of Dust
Android Music and Water Nymphs
Building intersectional feminist networks of support: A talk and zine making workshop
Hacked Orchestra
Circularity & Community
Packing and unpacking Care
Re-embroidering Language
Soft Connections Contingent Circuits
-Hopepunk Public Days
Re-Imagining AI
-Spit City
-𝒟𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓁 𝒲𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒸𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒𝓈
From Sun to Plate: Solar Grill veggie BBQ Workshop
If You Were This: See through the Eyes of Different Scales in digital Space
Coding in Situ
Downtime $pells
-Fermentation as a Revolutionary Metaphor and Uplifting Praxis
Room for non-verbal
-Trueque: Symbiotic relations
Communal rebuilding reconnecting reusing
-Daily Silent Contortion
The Age of Dust: Hopepunk Edition
-Friends with Benefits: a hopepunk band
-Grounding in Waters
-HopePunk Radio
Sustainability Randomizer
-Textual Re-knittings
-Prototypes for a Lighter Internet with TUMO
Open Call! H&D Summer Camp 2023 - HopePunk: Reknitting Collective Infrastructures
-In-Between Media: Hybrid Tactics in The Crisis Era
Emoji Proxies & Ghost Messengers
-ChattyPub walk-in workshop at Page Not Found
-First, Then… Repeat. Workshop Scripts in Practice
-Making Matters Workshop Documenta 15
H&D Summer Talks - part 3 - Club Fantasy
HDSA2022 Wrap Up Brunch
-'I AM YOU' Being Connected By Being with DDDUG
-塊 (Katamari) with NEWS
H&D Summer Talks - part 2 - Sonzai Zone
SoilPunk with Hackitects x H&D
Hacking Into Open Source and Open Space with MELT
H&D Summer Talks - part 1 - Connecting Otherwise
HDSA2022 Kick-off
Where is Every Body?
H&D Meet-the-nodes-meetup NEWS & DDDUG
-'Figuring Things Out Together' @TROEF Leiden
Book Launch: 'Making Matters. A Vocabulary of Collective Arts'
Solarpunk Kids (Bring Your Own Grown-up) – Scavenger hunt in and around Page Not Found
Open Call for Participation! HDSA2022 Connecting Otherwise
-Figuring Things Out Together — Exploring the ‘Workshop’ as a concept and format for collective learning and publishing
Solarpunk Kids (Bring Your Own Grown-up) - Scavenger hunt with Hackers & Designers
Solidarity in the city: Design and Activism
Open Call for Collaboration: Connecting Otherwise
Roleplaying in the open source world
Open* tools for collective organizing
-Digit GfZK Leipzig
HDSA2021 End Program with Gabriel Fontana and Aimee Theriot-Ramos
-ChatPub with Hackers & Designers
-+ Rad I O by Mz* Baltazar's Lab
-Building On Demand Water Solution for the City of Harare with Bongani Ricky Masuku
Feminist Hardware - a lecture by Mz* Baltazar
-Ethercalc Hangouts
-Make a game, Save the Planet with Prototype PGH
Reading food with Relearn and Varia
H&D Meetup 3: Filesha
Open Call! HDSA2021: Hello World?
H&D Meetup 2: Feminist Search Tools
Online Talk at Bergen Art Book Fair SATELLITE 2
H&D Meetup 1: Algorithmic Consensus
-Making Matters Symposium 2020
-Virtual Tokyo Art Book Fair with fanfare
Intersectional Search in Queer and Trans Archives
Platform in Action with Astrit Ismaili, Angelo Custódio and Tatiana Rosa
Inefficient Tools for Quantified Beings Hack Day
Mail Art: A Complaint Letter to the Internet
-Inefficient Tools for Quantified Beings Exhibition and Public Program at FUSE
Inefficient Tools for Quantified Beings Opening Program
HDSA2020 sharing pool and goodbyes
Writing the Feminist Internet
Ephemer(e)ality Capture workshop
Mystical Bot
-Radio Transmission
Temporary Riparian Zone
Hole Mending Workshop
Designing Digital Domestics
Reimagining the future
-Sound Mixing Bowl
-Becoming a Server
-Climate KIC Lecture 'Sustainable Internet'
-Data Meditations: new rituals for new possible worlds
-Experimental Chatroom
Kick Off HDSA2020 Network Imaginaries
-Proof of Consensus
-Spelling Clouds
-The Underdistanced
BodyBuilding: A Platform in Transition
Open Call for participation HDSA2020: Network Imaginaries
The Hmm @Hackers & Designers
Open Call! HDSA2020: Network Imaginaries
-BodyBuilding. Inefficient Tool Building for Quantified Beings
-Glossary of Undisciplined Design
-Self-Driving Car in Basel
Workshop: Repository of Feminist Search Strategies
Gait Recognition Tool Testing and New Years Drinks
Body Electric
-Printing Plant Art Book Fair 2019
Book Launch: The Critical Makers Reader
The Need to Publish - New Modes of Production
-Interfacial Workout
Do you accept the terms and conditions
Party Everybody Wants Your Body Moving
Morning Rave 2
-The Body Electric: Wearables!
Films and Prototypes
Bob Ross Lives
Coded Performance
Volumetric Capture Lab
Generating Distance
Multiform Queering Sports and Conversation with Erin Gatz
Digital Habits Workshop
Eliza Ludd the Fog and the Shade
Morning Rave
Tech Pain Solutions
-Heart bits
Latent Colours of the Future Mind II
-HDSA2019 Public Program
-HDSA2019: Coded Bodies
Introduction Day
Book Launch: Fake it! Fake them! Fake you! Fake us!
-Momentary Zine at Neulab
-Making Matters Symposium 2019
Walking Signals Workshop Part One
-Open Labs Dublin
Feminist Search API Workshop
-The Universe of ( ) Images Part 2
-The Universe of ( ) Images
The Universe of ( ) Images Symposium
Momentary Zine in Bucharest!
Bring your own Magic Mirror (BYOMM)
Open Call: The Universe of ( ) Images
Publishing Karaoke: A Workshop
Emotion Recognition from an algorithmic point of view
Breaking News
Nobodies-for.bots II
OMG! Build your own self-driving car! Public presentation
-OMG: build your own self-driving car
Fake it! HDSA End Program at Butcher's Tears
Media Choreographies: rehearsal series
Text reproduction with machine learning
Color Examination
The Hacking of Reality
A gentle introduction to Wikidata
Post-truth narratives
RIBL dinner
Weaving Anti-Patterns
-Hacking The Map
-The Energy Between People
-Forked Hackers & Designers Summer Academy
Generative Poster Design
-H&D Summer Academy – Fake it! Fake them! Fake you! Fake us!
H&D Summer Talks 2018
Work the Workshop
Control the controllers
Coca Cola Bootcamp
Perdu Zine Fair
Border Sessions
On & Off the Grid Publication Launch
Summer Academy 2018: Open call for participation
Code as a literary tool
-Poetry Bots
3DPD – Film Night
Hack night: Self-driving toycar II
Hack night: Self-driving toycar I
-User Generated Scripture
Nobodies for Bots
Make your own self-driving toy car
Hackers & Designers Prep Talks
-The Rare Endophytes Collectors Club
-Rare Endophyte Collectors Club
-Farming bots
Social Signals and Blurred Backgrounds
Publishing Machines Workshop
On and Off the Grid Film Night
-Re-imagining Smart
-Build your own node
-On and Off the Grid Summer Talks and Exhibition
-HDSA2017 - On and Off the Grid
The Body &
Hackers & Designers Stammtisch June
Workshop Feminist Search Tool UU Libary
Talkshow: Baby can you drive my car
Hackers & Designers Stammtisch May
Odd Stay: Residency Meetup
Odd Talks
Camouflage Creation Workshop
Hackers & Designers Stammtisch March
Workshop: A Circulation of Circuits
Hack night: Baby, you can drive my car
Hackers & Designers Stammtisch February
Hackers & Designers Stammtisch January
Lightening Workshop: Gender mirroring bots & Turing test
H&D Summer Talks 2016
-Modem Workshop
-Networked Labor
-Internet of Bodies
-HDSA 2016. If you are so smart why are you so poor
Immaterial Labor Union
Workshop: So you want to run a server, Part 1
Meetup: 2 Index = 2 Exist
Meetup: The Possibilities of Self-destruction
Meetup: The Future library
Workshop: Bibliotecha at Central Library Utrecht
Get the Font and Zine Karaoke
The Momentary Zine
Scraping, counting and sorting
Domestic Drone Defence
Hackers & Designers Summer Talks
Public program: Summer talks and summer party
Summer Talks: (Un)willingly Memorialized — Images and the dead in the Digital Age
Summer Talks: Discrete Cosine Transform
Summer Talks: Gestural Interfacing
Summer Talks: Training and the problem of data
DIY theremin making
Error Messages
Language Design
Code text and text-to-speech
Excursion: Lava Lab
Algorithmic Kitchen
Public Film Screening
Underground Cinema
-HDSA 2015. About bugs, bots & bytes
Toy Hacking
A network in a network
Facebook Liberation Army
Doritos4snowden Mini Challenge
Live coding with STEIM
So if you are so smart...
Culinary hacking
Kill switch
Art camping
Hardware hacking
1st edition